Monday, November 29, 2010

Coffee Break Poetry


This photo, (borrowed from someone’s site but I’ve lost the info!- apologies!) is an image of about a perfect morning for me.  A beautiful, still lake at a cottage, quiet with my trusty, freshly-brewed coffee at my side.  Bliss.

What NaBloPoMo month would be complete without poetry dedicated to my faithful companion?  Inspired by Mary Lynn’s awesome haiku efforts, I have composed my own.  So here goes nothing!  I will just apologize in advance for my extremely amateur effort.  I had fun though…

Steaming cup awaits

Promises both calm and vibrance

Welcome ritual


On to second cup

Oh crap, it is not working

Back to bed, I think


Behold a Starbucks!

Grande non-fat latte please

Pricey pleasure pause


  1. Without a coffee
    The day never really starts
    Glorious caffeine!

  2. wish i drank the bean
    i could have used the jolt
    sluggish mucus brain

  3. If you think that I'm
    Going to write a haiku
    You are very wrong.

    Coffee -- bleah. Vanilla rooibos tea latte -- yum.
