Wednesday, March 24, 2010

About Me...

Well I'm stuck. So silly really. I have been putting off filling in this area on my little blog. And why? Because I simply do not know how to define my "me-ness". Kinda sad. So here are the bare facts.

1. I am a stay at home mom to two kids who are now in school full time.

2. I am married for over 17 years to a great guy who happens to work a lot, both in and out of town.

3. I have a cat.

Hmmmm. Sounds pretty dull. It defines myself in terms of others but says little about me as a real person. So I am stuck.

Maybe there's hope. This is one of the reasons I've started to blog. To write, to express more about who I am, what I like, where I'm going in life. Bear with me. I am aiming to be more than a mom, a wife, a pet owner and many things to others. I am aiming to be more for me.

So here comes my first attempt at more about me for me-sake. Five random facts about me:

1. Two of my favourite foods begin with "c" - coffee and chocolate. Mighty healthy mix. I'm all for setting my blinders and seeing the antioxidant arguments for both, or some other redeeming quality to them. But basically, I just love them, especially together like chocolate cheesecake and a fresh brewed coffee is heavenly. Now I'm making myself hungry. I must move on.

2. I love to hike. Both the trail variety and the urban explore. I love letting my thoughts wander as I see the sights, smell the air, laugh at the people/chipmunks/aliens I see along the way. I love how strong it makes me feel and that I am not conquered when I get home. I love to hike with family (usually at a slow pace with lots of enticing for the wee ones to keep up) or with friends with great conversation or great silence, or simply on my own, wandering with my whims. Sounds like a blog post of the future.

3. I am a ridiculously positive person most of the time for others but am the first one to criticise myself. I suppose many of us are this way. I have a dozen things I'd change about myself but love others for exactly who they are.

4. I am one of the little talked about B-type personalities. Yep, the non-A-type. I never get high blood pressure or feel overly competitive. I can procrastinate with the best of them but do well when there is a dead line. I have been working on this post for days and have put off finishing it. My house is full of unfinished projects. Is there a self-help group for folks like me? Now that I read this, I think I need it.

5. I would love to go to Italy again. I've never been with my husband and I would love to immerse myself in the culture and sights. I'm not sure how this will ever happen but maybe when we retire. Hmmm.

There. It is a start.

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