Friday, November 2, 2012

Shifting from "Um?" to "Ohm"

Today I went to yoga class at the gym.  I think the last time I went was sometime in September and then all hell broke loose in life and I forgot to breathe.  I was WAY overdue, just like I'm way overdue to make the schedule that tells me what I should be doing instead of Angry Birds after I drop the kids off at school, but I digress.  Today I pretended Yoga was on my schedule and I went.  And it was good! 

This class was a real yoga class instead of some yoga-fusion-I'm-too-skinny-and-fashionable-to-be-here type class.  I felt like I belonged and I came out stretched and energized.  OK, stretched, energized and a sore hip but that happens when you are about 35-ish, so whatever, wine has helped with that.  Why is it that I just don't do this yoga thing more often?  Where is my willpower?  Along with NaBloPoMo routine, I'm going to try to make the gym & yoga thing a routine.  It helps and I want to feel this good more often. 

Now that the feel good stuff is done, here are some yoga cartoons borrowed from the net:

by Betsy Streeter

by Dan Reynolds


  1. I read that as 'Yoga lol'. I am spending TOO MUCH time on the internet.

  2. I love love love yoga classes. I am so so bad at going to them and I live across the street from a community centre. No excuses! As soon as I kick this system wide respiratory infection I am on it. You (and the barn yard animals) have inspired me.
