Saturday, December 18, 2010

My "That's not what I expected!" Christmas break

"The best laid plans of mice and men (and Christmas) often go awry.", as my bro Robert Burns would say. Alas, 'tis not exactly the Christmas we were planning.

My Father in Law is in the heart institute, scheduled for triple-bypass surgery on Tuesday. This is the guy who was doing spinning classes at the age of 80 and went to aquafit class last week. We are a little in shock. If you are the prayers and positive thoughts type, please include Bob.

I had the joy of telling my husband as he flew home, not having slept for 40 hours. He is taking it all well and we are now juggling plans to deal with our holidays. We were to travel to my parents to celebrate their 50th anniversary (who gets married at Christmas?!) and Christmas this year. I don't want to be apart as a family through all this. I suppose we can wait and see.

On the plus side, Owen won tickets to see a Sens game. "Sparty" the mascot came to the school and Owen's obsessive knowledge of all things hockey paid off. He is one very happy fan right now.

So no real brilliant point to this post, just sharing/venting/blithering. Thanks for listening!


  1. Oh, Pam! I'm so sorry for you, your husband, and all your family. What a very stressful time this must be. Hope your father-in-law's surgery goes well.

  2. thinking of you. hope everything goes well.

  3. Fingers crossed. Yay Owen. Call you tomorrow.
