Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Merry Stressmas

Ack! I'm overwhelmed, yet again. I set aside a bunch of time to get things done today and instead, feel like I am running around in circles. Maybe if I could just go through the to-do list for today...

- shower (very important if I want anyone to talk to me)
- make little brownie things ( to feel I am doing some festive baking)
- clean up kitchen (bahahahaha! That never really gets done! But it is presentable and that will do)
-spend time on the computer doing nothing productive

To Do:
- find and wrap gift for music teacher before the music lesson that my son hasn't practiced for ( I have been looking for the thing for 20 minutes! What the heck did I do with it?! Going on to emergency back-up present as I am out of time.)
- fold laundry and carefully put it away. (ROFLOL! Everyone can fend for themselves! I'm SO tired of trying to stay ahead of the laundry monster. )
- write Christmas cards (who am I kidding!)
- clean up the house and vacuum everything. (I'll get right on that.)

Meanwhile, I'm waiting to hear from my husband who is still away, I am trying to figure out what to do to help my in-laws as my father-in-law is back at the heart institute again and I'm fielding RSVPs for my parent's 50th anniversary.

If anyone has seen my sanity, would you kindly return it. I'm checking out.


  1. sit down and devour contents of the box that was delivered to you. It's the only sane thing to do. HUGS. Wish I was there to help you out!!!

  2. You did! Thanks for the care package. It really was the highlight of my day. :-)

  3. Merry Stressmas is right! It's amazing how much work one little day has become. Deep breaths, everything will work out (at least that's what I keep telling myself:)

  4. Ack! That reminds me. Teacher gifts! I have to buy teacher gifts! Oh man...

    You sound as busy as I've been. Merry Stressmas indeed!
