It's just us girls here this weekend. Laura and I get to spend some nice quality time together. So far we have cruised the farmer's market in Perth, had lunch out and played a glowing game of mini-putt. It's been great so far, except I can't quite relax into it 'cause this is the first time Owen has been away (without me or my husband, not with a relative kind of away) overnight.
It's Cub Camp. He couldn't be happier. He gets the Mr. Enthusiasm boy of the year award for all things Cubs... when everything is going as expected. Then there is the Mr. Hyde part of the personality that comes out when he is tired, overstimulated or when the food isn't quite right. Now that won't happen overnight with a cabin of 9 year old boys in the rain, will it?
I keep trying to reassure myself that the leaders are quite capable of handling him, even if they are not me. God, it's hard to tame my Mama Bear instincts right now! Anyway, we can all handle pretty well anything for 24 hours, right? *Deep Cleansing Breath*
What might happen is that he will come home happy - a little taller, prouder and more independent - because I let him go. It is a milestone for both of us.
And what did happen, is that he came home in one piece, with only a few meltdowns and lots of stinky laundry. Not perfect but a success. I now owe the heroic cub leaders a case of something or two. They were up with him until 1am.